Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Makeup Mishaps–the Most Common Makeup Mistakes

We ladies have to admit that we have been guilty of makeup mishaps at least once in our lifetime. Even celebrities are not immune to the “oh my gosh, she thinks that looks good, but OH WOW, her stylist let her walk out looking like that?!” look.

Yes, each person’s definition of beauty is different, but we all know a makeup mishap when we see one. Right, ladies?

Some of the most common makeup mistakes are….

Concealer/Foundation Confusion
The real key to good concealer and foundation coverage is to start with a moisturized face. Then dab yellow concealer sparingly on brown or red spots. Don't worry about blending it in; it's concealer. Then apply your foundation. Do not put concealer over mineral powder or cream to powder makeup—it won't blend! You'll end up with an obvious patch job. Ugh!

Wrong Foundation Shade
This may just be the easiest to commit out of the offenses. Sometimes, the colors look great in natural or bathroom fluorescent lighting, but then you see a picture of yourself after someone photographed you and a flash was used…and you cannot help but want to tear the picture because your face looks like Casper while the rest of your body sports an awesome summer tan.

OR…you have your “summer girl” dark foundation still on in the winter while your body has already shed itself of your summer tan.

The thing to remember when selecting your foundation shade is to color match it to your bone, not your hand. Your hand is always darker than your facial shade.

Excessive Concealer
Lay off the excessive under eye concealer or at least invest in one that does a little better job matching your skin tone. White is alright but too much of it will give you the reverse raccoon look.

Heavy Handed Eyeliner
I grew up in the era where if you thought you were applying too much eyeliner, that meant you needed to put MORE on (yes, the 80s). Well, those days are over (thank goodness) and now, the raccoon look is ancient history. Instead of layering up the eyeliner Elvira style, focus on using attractive colors in a flattering way.

Dry Face
No matter how much makeup you apply, you can't hide a dry face. After your morning cleanse, moisturize your skin. This will make your makeup application smooth and silky looking. Without moisture, makeup looks cracked and unflattering.

Eyebrow Faux Pas
The days of the Sharpie-drawn-in-eyebrow look is over. And so is the Einstein caterpillar, busy eyebrow look. If you aren’t sure what brow shaping is appropriate for your face shape (Yes, it matters!), ask your favorite aesthetician or threader what brow shape is best for you.

Dark Lip Liner
Yet another mishap created by my generation. Sorry, modern day girls, we weren’t quite sure of what we were doing at the time. Black lip liner is another thing of the past. Flattering MATCHING colors are now in.

Feel free to use these no-no’s as a guideline for makeup application. You are also welcome to print it out and show it to any of your friends that may be offenders…just saying. ;)

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