Monday, August 6, 2012

8 Foods for Better Hair & Skin

watermelon heart

8 Foods for Better
Hair & Skin

Beans Carrots Dark Greens Eggs Fish Green Tea Tomatoes Strawberries
1.       Beans—All beans and lentils are rich sources of biotin, iron, proteins, and zinc which make them amazing foods for hair growth! Beans are also great sources of Vitamin E and Selenium; vitamin E stimulates collagen and elastin production in skin cells while selenium improves elasticity and protection from sun damage—combined they will make your skin feel toned and youthful.

2.       Fish—Omega 3 fatty acids will help condition hair inside out; the result is shiny and hydrated hair making Fish arguably the best food for your hair. Omega 3s contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which has been shown to increase the time it takes for skin to burn; enjoy that sashimi and sun protection. Nuts and specifically Walnuts can be a great alternative to fish because their good fats and oils are great for your complexion.

3.       Eggs—PROTEINS! Proteins help hair regain strength and elasticity. Eggs are also an excellent source of the mineral Selenium which has been shown to improve skin elasticity and protect from sun damage. Not into eggs? As an alternative try low-fat dairy products because they are rich in proteins. Also try whole grain cereals or garlic to increase your selenium intake.

4.       Carrots—Carrots are so rich in vitamin A that they will work wonders for hair and scalp. They will help maintain the natural balance of your scalp so there is no discomfort associated with excess shedding of the scalp or dandruff. Carrots are also rich in beta carotene—a nutrient that is known to help the skin protect itself from the sun.

5.       Dark Greens-Rich source of vitamin A and C; enjoy spinach or broccoli to live a dandruff-free life. These vitamins add natural shine and conditioning to your hair. Vitamins A and C stimulate collagen and elastin production in skin cells to keep your skin looking plump, textured, and toned. Kale and Spinach are rich sources of antioxidants to help battle the free-radicals that are aging and degenerating your skin.

6.       Green Tea—One of the greatest secrets to better skin: cut down on our caffeine because it leads to dehydration. Green Tea is the perfect way to cut down on the caffeine while improving your skin! Polyphenols are antioxidant compounds in Green Tea which help fight sun damage, protect from harmful rays, combat the aging effects of sun exposure and support the immune system.

7.       Tomatoes—Red fruits and veggies are packed with the antioxidant Lycopene. Like most antioxidants, Lycopene eliminates damaging free-radicals that would contribute to burning and aging of your skin. When you eat Olive Oil in conjunction with other lycopene-rich foods, it will help your body absorb lycopene (making your lycopene intake more efficient and effective) as well as boosting your natural SPF.

8.       Strawberries—Strawberries are really just the beginning of the larger fruit category. Strawberries will help protect your skin from sun damage and deliver overall better skin complexion. Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C (so are oranges, grapefruit, guava, papaya, and plums) which will help replace the nutrients lost during the day, sooth inflammation from sun exposure, and boost collagen production. The best fruits to go for are antioxidant rich—the brighter and more concentrated the color, the more antioxidants so reach for red, purple, and orange fruits to see results of better skin. Bananas and raisins are an amazing fruit pair: the B6 from bananas will keep hair follicles healthy while iron from raisins transport plenty of oxygen to the scalp to prevent hair loss and breakage while boosting hair growth.
Just so you know:
Antioxidants fight harmful chemicals known as ‘free radicals’ which make the skin look dull and tired.

Although many of these foods will help your skin's natural defences against sun damage, we highly encourage your continued use of sunscreen.

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